home of the beasts

About Us

Hey! We're the Damn Feds. Please don't add 'system' behind that. Its weird. Thats not our name. We're a system whos origins aren't your business. Our pronouns are it/its/its/itself, but we're also comfortable being called he/him if you truly must. Please don't ever call us they/them, as we generally prefer to be regarded singularly. We also go by the names Sylvester, James and Rainer online. We have no preference for these, but we actually don't like being known as a system IRL or to people we know. We're eighteen, and very upset about having to pay taxes now. We have a wonderful boyfriend, who we think about all the time.

We're disabled and are generally low energy, but at least we have a cute cane. Its pink. We have cats, and are currently in the process of getting things set up for college. Coding is an escape for us, and so is making websites on neocities. Its fun. Our special interest is in SCP and SCP related content (please stop recommending us to watch the SCP animated youtube videos.). Not super of note, but we are Jewish and Queer. We firmly believe we can both be religious and be comfortable in our identity, thank you very much. We call ourselves transexual due to our lack of connection to more 'modern' terms for it. Used to be super active in the MOGAI community, but nowadays we just sit back and observe. We also used to coin terms for systems, but also have put that on the far backburner due to discourse within the community.

We are however avid in politically left spaces, even though financially we might not be able to support causes we agree with, we want to highlight this part of our identity, and the perspective we speak from. Used to call ourselves Trotskyists, but now just generally are leftists. We find it kind of stupid to confine all of our ideas just to one political label. Political freedom is a right, and so is free speech so we are going to use it when we can to express how we feel about issues. Will we speak on every single issue? Probably not, this is really just a personal blog. Does that mean we don't care? Hell no! But we might just not be qualified to speak about an issue because it doesn't effect us and we aren't the ones who need to be loud about it.

We speak German, English, toki pona, and ASL but have a huge interest in learning more languages. We've made our own conlangs before by ourself and with friends, but generally those are private. We plan to learn Hebrew, Russian, Estonian, and Latin but those are more on the backburner in favor of getting better with what we have right now.

Also interested in art (painting and digital art primarily), linguistics, vexillology, entomology, coding, ARGs, and horror content. Books are also a huge comfort, our current read is House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. Intending to read The Raw Shark Texts by Steven Hal, Looking for Alaska by John Green, The Glory Field by Walter Dean Myers, and to re-read How I Killed Pluto and Why It Had It Coming by Mike Brown. Someday we'll put a page of our book recommendations.

Who's in your system?

We're currently working on finishing up our alter pages, but for the time being, just look at our sidebar for knowing whos actively fronting. It might not always be up to date, but its relatively taken care of so we can make sure people know who they're speaking to. As a preface, we don't always agree with the actions of people from their sources. We cannot help who we do and don't have in our system. We really aren't interested in sourcemates or source relationships, we'd really rather form relationships based on mutual interests rather than who we may or may not remember from a timeline. Thank you for understanding. If you're interested in knowing more about us generally, heres our multiple code. Feel free to pop it into a translator or get one yourself.

N?#$- | P[n/gq/m/qr] | A[b- r---/^] | S.+&++ | Opr/ad | Mpm/s/ds | We/f/w/c/b/x/-+=^^ | C[cc/m#~&] | OF[r-/o++] | Fj^+ (religious internally may vary) | Mspi= | Rf/p/qp/r/+ | V | X+ | G+ | Jus | S[r!/o!] | R++!

And our plural code if you're nosey as hell:
⛅❗ | 🧡💙💜💬(Transexual) | 🔦 | 🌹🌻 | 🐸🦈🐏 | 🎧➕ | ⭐☄

Heres an actual link to our alters page, feel free to scroll through it however its constantly being worked on because of changing comfort level with who knows them, how much we know, etc.